#Work&Play meet #FlexPay
Take advantage of flexible payment options with
Mercedes-Benz FlexPay
Service Now, Pay Later With FlexPay
Using FlexPay is the right route to take when it comes to caring for your Mercedes-Benz Van.
Along with giving you the option to pay over time, this new financing option also lets you take advantage of the following benefits:
• As low as 0% APR for up to 6 months
• Loan terms up to 24 months with an APR
- Soft inquiry on credit score for eligibility
Plans No Matter How You Van
When used with FlexPay, there are a range of service plans that can give you peace of mind mile after mile.

Extended Limited Warranty
If your van has less than 3 years/36,000 miles, this plan:
- Is available for 5 or 6 years
- Protects against unforeseen repair costs without any deductibles
- Provides greater coverage for mechanical, electrical, and electronic components

Prepaid Maintenance
Along with giving you the convenience of having paid for maintenance in advance, this option:
- Is available for 2 or 4 services
- Prevents unnecessary repair costs
- Keeps downtime to a minimum

No matter the van model, this all-inclusive service package:
- Is available for 5 years
- Covers all workshop work, including wear and tear repairs
- Helps keep costs under control
To learn more about using FlexPay for your next service plan, talk to a Service Advisor at your local dealership today.